VECO vegetables and fruit, Creil
Veco in Creil is a production company of mainly silver onions and parisian carrots. Due to succes of growing and selling silver onions there is a need for an extra processing area, new storage and transfer cells, a loading pit and a new canteen and laboratory. With the complete design, HACCP-requirements, logistics, fire safety and working conditions are of utmost importance. There is special attention regarding the materials, as they need to be sour and salt proof.
Agrofocus together with VECO, made the design taking into account the existing buildings. In the following months further details will follow in cooperation with the supplier of the processing machines and the fireproof acoustic materials.
The project will be conducted in multiple stages. In the spring of 2013 the physical elaboration will start. Firstly the loading pit with overlying canteen and laboratory will be build, whereby the storage and transfer cells will be conditioned.
Status: week 23 phase 1 almost finished