De Lepelaar, St Maarten, Holland
De Lepelaar is a biodynamic horticultural business growing field vegetables, greenhouse vegetables and arable crops. Besides of cultivation, De Lepelaar has its own store with grown crops.
Because of the ongoing succes of growing and selling, there is a need for an extra processing area and a space to store potatoes. We also look at the possibilities to implement solar panels.
Agrofocus determined together with De Lepelaar the position of the new barn and the connection with the existing buildings. We have taken into account logistics, future expansions and an optimal location for air inlet for potato storage.
After the cost estimation and license application the project was further developed. Constructional drawings and calculations, and specifications and conditions have been made. At registration K. Dekker was 9% cheaper than number 4.
The installation process was various, so 4 installers did the work based on our specifications and conditions.
Status: Open Day 11th April 2014
Details: half the roof is equipped with solar panels.